Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The same fate as his brother.

So I had overheard my mother talking on the phone with a distant relative today.

Apparently my uncle, the oldest brother on my father's side, is not going to live past this week. He is diagnosed with Lung Cancer and it has already spread to his brain cells, affecting his memory. I've never heard much about that man, let alone meeting him. I remember hearing one story of him. It was about him and my dad being in a feud twenty years ago, and it was never resolved 'till this day. It's a shame to hear that they never had the chance to apologize to one another. I do not know what caused the feud, but looking at how things are now, I'm sure they have both relieved themselves with that hatred in their hearts.

I have no memory of you, Uncle, but I wish you the best.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

I was your silver lining.

Work was horrible today.
I cursed at a customer, resulted with a write-up.
It's ok though, no biggie.

But what caused myself to act so rigorously was the horrible part.
I saw someone that shifted my mood completely.
She still has that impact on my life apparently, who knew.

I was your silver lining, but now I'm gold.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

It happens...to me.

I've been catching myself being more and more blunt and rude lately.

That isn't me. I was once the boy who had the perception that everything in this world was beautiful its in own way. That perspective now is becoming more linear and biased towards my own interests, it's irritating others as well as myself.

I need to stop being such an asshole.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

You know, I've actually thought about it.

I saw many comforting faces within different places these past four days.
  • Friday - spent the evening with Yvette at my house.
  • Saturday - set up the yard sale with mom, went to La Habra with co-workers, then hung out with Glenn, Hannah, etc. at Rowland.
  • Sunday - set up the yard sale again with mom, went to Jet Rags in LA with Yvette, then to Brian's house, then to Pantera Park for a basketball game with Andrew and his friends.
  • Monday - went to Santa Barbara for a show with Courtney, Marty and Kate. Sherman managed to stop by right before we left.
I had a good time, and I've actually thought about it;
These people, an unlikely group of diversified adults, are my best friends.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


I still can't seem to sleep. I've been more and more tired lately.

The funeral today caused my mind to wonder to many places. Keep it up Jackie, the hardest part is over now.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

"I remember my promise."

Haha, how dramatic and sentimental that used to sound.

It was when we were both trapped in our own small worlds. Let it be eight years later that we are still able to sit down on my driveway, reminiscing about our thoughts. We have seen things that we both could not have even fathomed in the past. But since we were able to meet tonight, then things aren't that bad, cause you are at home.

It was good seeing you, we still manage to have that connection.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

There's a museum five minutes from my house?

Yes, there is. It's the Chino Air Museum : Planes of Fame!

It has been 13 years since I have lived in Ontario/Chino. It's funny how I would travel hours and miles for museums and vintage vibes, but I always somehow neglect this location. I have always known of it, but I never made the effort to travel the whopping 3 miles down Euclid Ave. Luckily, that idea raped my head in the middle of class and had the sudden urge to take action. And so, I left in the middle of class and ditched the remaining classes of the day. It is OK, they won't miss me. So I dragged Brian along just in time to make it an hour before they close. And the results were satisfying.

This place was at our hometown.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

It's bound to melt your heart.

Jenny Lewis was beautiful, as always.

I saw her performing tonight at the Glasshouse with Jami. It was overall a good time. Ms. Lewis had a documentary video to show us in the first 30 minutes as the door opened, luckily we went early. The video was about the band recording the Acid Tongue album, and it was enjoyable.

The live performances were nothing less than perfect. She played songs from her new album along with old hits from Rilo Kiley and when she was with the Watson Twins. It was surprising, but it raised goosebumps when she performed Silver Lining acoustically by herself. It was a very nostalgic song for me; it made me miss Christine very much. But with all that said, the night was good. Hanging out with Jami was fun, and it will be repeated on Wednesday, but this time it will be with Conor Oberst!


Conor Oberst was pretty much performing music-fuck on the stage.

It was that good. He pretty much played the whole album along with 5 new songs. However, he somehow acquired these awkward motions with his hand while performing overtime. He would either demandingly point upwards or shake his hand as if he was a rapper; it made us laugh everytime.
People were dancing and words were spoken; I would definately go see him again if the chance rolls by again.

Monday, April 13, 2009

I won't be the lonely one.

As for Easter Sunday, our family usually doesn't do anything. This time around, my mother wanted to visit some old relatives. And so, being the chauffeur, I accompanied her to these visits. It turned out to be very conversation driven. Mother was looking very relaxed and was having a pleasant time catching up. I didn't speak much, but I was the topic of conversation 1/4 of the time. Asking me, "are you seeing anyone?" without having a chance to answer because mother interrupting with her own answers made me embarrassed and irritated. She tells these people every little detail of my encounter with girls, making it seem much more fascinating than it is. But I did find one line clever that was given to me from an elder as an advice, "Having a really gorgeous girlfriend usually does not end up being yours."

Listening to them talk about the golden old days were interesting, but I wasn't too happy when the topic turned to my father. All the relatives have been telling my mother and I that I look more and more like my dad, even my voice was becoming to sound like his. I don't see it, but then again, I don't really see anything.

My mom said one thing today that was really unexpected and it surprisingly gave me a warmth feeling inside that I haven't felt in a long time. She was telling the elders about our Grand Canyon trip and how she was looking at one of the pictures that a tourist took for us with my camera. She said that it felt like seeing a photo of the past, a photo of my dad and herself when they were dating.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

You have to start somewhere.

I have decided that I want to be apart of a band. Not necessarily ones that would perform on stages, but the ones that would just get together and create music. Music can be a great pastime and I want to learn more about it. However, forming a band is probably the hardest part, but you have to start somewhere.

I've realized that when I often play music, the people around me play a different genre than what I am comfortable with. It is hard to connect and comprehend when two different styles collide. Musicians should be patient and willing to teach and learn through the process, not just wild and loud jamming, which I have witnessed resulting into frustration. I will be in search of that group of people in which we can hopefully one day create the art of music.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

I am done with sporting goods stores.

First Sport Chalet, then Chick's Sporting Goods, now Dicks Sporting Goods.

What am I doing? Lets have a change in the work setting sometime, yeah? And besides, it looks like I am going to get laid off soon anyways. The average Dicks Sporting Goods store has about 30 employees, Chick's Sporting Goods currently has 60. This is a very bad predicament for me and my co-workers. People have already started looking for jobs, and the changes are becoming unbearable. It's almost time, I'd say.

My deepest condolences to Jackie Baca and her family, I hope they are strong enough to get through this.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

A shock down my spine.

As I opened the door to my place of refuge, I noticed something missing that gave me an eerie feeling. My Keep Calm, Carry On poster was dislocated and destroyed. The glass, shattered and the actual poster is left hidden behind my bed, hiding from reach. Being one of the items that I held close and dear to my heart, I feel like the upcoming events will not be pleasant.

Please help me through this. I want to keep on carrying on, but if a poster can't even stay hung without ending in total destruction, it's hard not to worry. Please let it just be intangible stress factors, such as paranoia and superstition, and nothing else. Things were just becoming to get bright.

In the meantime, I will fix the poster, and hang it back up.

Monday, April 6, 2009

There is no worry, we still have time.

Remember when you told me that depending on how close I held the chopsticks to the front tip, it reflects on how far my future fiance and I will be living from each other?

Remember how every weekend we would wake up at 5 in the morning for the shop because the women of the house decided she was the boss of the family?

Remember that time when you had one of those epic arguments with mom and you ended up having to sleep in your car? haha.

Remember in the winter we would go up to the mountains and decide to put snow on top of the car on the ride back, which eventually caused the car paint to slowly chip away?

Remember that one day when you mistakenly thought I was a pimp and told me to not be messing around and to choose the one girl in which you feel the most special with?

Remember every 4th of July day we would go back to our home city and watch the fireworks show displayed by Upland High School?

Remember when you drove me to basketball practice every night and was mad because we never won a game?

Remember the stories you would tell me about the Vietnam War and how you pretty much did not do anything but kept watch for 2 months?

Remember when I forced you and mom to watch an episode of Pokemon with me and in the end I asked you both if you liked it, and you said "I liked the theme song."

Remember how we were hardcore Laker fans for 10 years straight, and we finally saw them win a championship in 2000?

Remember when you held on to my hand and was in the most agonizing pain I had ever seen you in, telling me some words that I will never forget?

I remember.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Taylor J. Wong

It has been decided. The middle name was chosen by the parents, and it's a horrible one at that. So I'll just abbreviate it from now on, haha. Welcome to the family, Taylor.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A new kid on the block.

It was my first day back to school today, and it was a long and dreadful one at that. I'd witness the most school spirit and pride rallies that I had ever thought was possible at Cal Poly. The mascot "Billy the Bronco" was dancing while the band and cheerleaders gave their energetic performances. The president came out and gave a few words and the basketball team came out with an overwhelming applause for their excellent effort in the NCAA. While all this happened in the middle of the quad; Tami, Brian, Mike, Patty, and I just sat at a table located in the opposite side watching in awe. We have finally witnessed our school having some sort of positive conglomeration that was not influenced by an outside source or media; it made us kind of nostalgic for high school.

The classes were long and the teachers were not lenient with the first day of school either. But in my last class, I received a very unexpected text message from my brother Jason (unexpected because we never text). It turned out to be a picture text, and the picture appeared to be a naked newly born boy. And right away, I smiled and texted back "congratulations, man."

I got to the hospital right after the class was let out and there he was, sleeping. The fourth kid to be calling me Uncle David. Things were comforting, and better yet, I now have the responsibility to name him. Jason was the person responsible for naming me David, and so he said it is only right for me to name his kid this time. But one condition, it has to start with the letter "T".

I think I might go with Taylor. I have till noon tomorrow. I am nervous.

I've never felt more natural.

Man, I have been getting more and more excited about a lot of things lately.

Let's get shit done and stop hesitating and thinking about consequences.

Indecisiveness kills any spontaneity and the mood to do it will be gone by the time the decision has been made.

It's time to join the rest of the world, and see it.