Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Eleven year olds.

So my boss switched me to the 5th and 6th grade class.  That class has been a riot and the school faculty has been complaining on their behavior for weeks.  And because of that, I am now in charge of cleaning up the mess and straightening up that class. I am not sure if I should be flattered, but this isn't the type of incentive I was looking for.  I miss my 2nd and 3rd graders, but this should be an interesting experience.  Kids these days know way much more than we ever did.  Behavior management is different with the older batch, but it isn't so bad.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Like no one else.

She Drives Me Crazy


Third annual Wongsgiving was successful.  They liked my cooking!  They said the turkey was delicious and the stuffing was splendid. :).  Thanks to Amy for helping me set up the night! Thank you to those who followed through and attended the event.  The greatest fears of planning events are people bailing out and people not enjoying themselves.  This year's Thanksgiving was amazing. Until next year.

I am thankful for my friends.
I am thankful for my mother.

I am thankful for my commitments.
I am thankful for the children I teach.
I am thankful for such a fabulous night.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Turkey Gobblers.

New Romantic Way.

We all have some irritable characteristics, and we tend to quickly distinguish them when we meet someone new. There is one characteristic in particular that deviates from the others, in which it creates distrust in the relationship.

It is normal for people to seek and want attention, but approaching it in a way that inflicts emotional stress to others is unacceptable. Most of the time it is unintentional, but for a few of you out there that have these devious motives, you need to grow up.  I've met a handful of these people in my life, and sadly to say I was a victim to at least one of them before.  It is a crime that is worse than those who steal materialistic things.  Do not give these false realities to people in order to satisfy your own ego.  For those of you that already have a significant other, this is no different than to physically cheat. You must either be faithful to commitments, or be direct and end it. Having loose ends will cause everyone to loath you in the end.  It's unattractive and most of you don't need to do this. Save yourself from the trouble and make some friends.

To simply put it, you have the ability to sort out your own personal situations without dragging others in.

In other news, Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and good night!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Third Annual.

Wongsgiving is less than a week away. It's been two years already since this tradition started, and I'm glad it's still going.  I'm not going to lie, but I was very close to skipping this year.  But after much consideration, I decided that I will keep it going, its Thanksgiving!  The attendees this year will be a different crew.  I've always felt bad for leaving this group out of the loop for this dinner, but I happy to see that they are apart of it now.  Also, I have burdened myself with the responsibility with the turkey.  It's a lot of pressure, but I'm sure it will turn out fine.  I've done my research and I am to take down this bird.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Turkey Bowl!

One more week until our annual Thanksgiving softball game.  I've been looking forward to Thanksgiving for more than one reason ever since I started working at Chicks/Dicks.  The tradition of playing an early softball game on Thanksgiving day was around before I joined the community, and I'm glad to have participated in it for three years.  The record of me being drunk at 8 A.M. was achieved last year.

Too bad these jobs are only temporary for most people, so many faces have come and gone.  Despite having half of the attendees no longer working for Dick's, they are still invited and attending.  I'm excited to see old faces again.

Take me out to the ball game, where screwdrivers are served.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I was re-reading old messages today, and I came across this one. I've never had so much hatred for someone before, but this guy made it pretty high on the list.  Looking back at it now, it sounded so foolish.  For better or for worse, this man changed my life.

I know you must hate me right now and I understand that. I pushed someone away from you that seriously cared deeply about you. I have suffocated her so much that she told me she feels like she can never talk to you again. She misses your friendship and she always tells me how happy you two were. It was my self-fish actions that caused her to push you away. You do not have to forgive me for what I have done. She told me that I can't fix my mistakes and that it's my fault you don't talk to her anymore. And I know that now. It was stupid of me to do. But I know a part of her wishes she had your friendship still. She met one of your family members the other day too and she felt so horrible b/c she had not talked to you for so long. David just please when you read this, call her and catch up or even have starbucks together anything. Just she misses you.  I do not think she ever told you, but I am a horrible psycho person. Who suffocated her. Just please consider it... She tells me of how horrible she was for doing that to you, and it was my fault. And I want you to know it was not her it was me. I forced her to stop. I deserve the hatred.

No one has ever brought me down so low, 
but you managed to do it in a blink of an eye.
You then asked for help because you saw it collapsing. And it did.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Losing everything you came with.

I play the piano, but it's far from exceptional.
I play the guitar, but it's far from phenomenal.
I can sing a bit, but it's far from presentable.
I take photographs, but its far from original.

I am not gifted in any of these subjects, I just mess around with them. If I had the choice of mastering one of these things and in exchange lose the skills I have on the other three, I would.  Would you make that decision?

MEgan, MElissa, and ME

One of the funniest shoots I've done, lol. The location was at the Big Dalton Trail in Glendora. I was surprised on how pretty it was, and the dynamics of both sisters made it fun. I need more experience working with multiple models, and definitely in need of a new camera.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Drink a shot for me.

I may be coming on too aggressive.

I've noticed on my SoundCloud account that one of my songs have been played over a hundred times within the past two weeks.  I don't usually get traffic on my covers, so this is very unusual.  I guess I should be flattered, unless it's a creeper, haha.

A photoshoot with two subjects is planned for the weekend.  Two sisters, Megan and Melissa Lyman, one of which I have never met before.  I hope the awkwardness stage passes through swiftly because these pictures aren't only for my own portfolio; they are gifts for the mother.  The results will be interesting.

Monday, November 7, 2011

First client - Eyoble.

Eyoble is a 5 year old boy that is filled with energy. I met him for the first time today and I can already tell that this is going to work out just fine.

So I found a side job as a private tutor. Thanks to a company called WyzAnt, I was able to create my own profile and search for potential clients that need to be tutored.  Helen contacted me and told me that her kindergarten son, Eyoble, was in need of some Phonics and Writing help.  If this goes well, then I wouldn't mind finding more clients and arranging them around my Think Together schedule.   

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Tell me how to run it.

Work only takes up about 1/4 of my day, but somehow it emotionally charges me for over half the day.  I look forward to seeing the kids, and I think about them after the shift.  It's going to be hard the day I move on to another job.

The new Site Coordinator came in last Monday. A 22 year old, recent graduate of UCI, woman by the name of Natalie was my new boss.  I have absolutely no grudges or bitter feelings towards her at all.  I am being as supportive as I can, given the fact that I am now the only left in the school that knows how the program runs.  I feel bad for her, not knowing a thing about the program, but being tossed in the middle expecting to adapt.  She was overwhelmed, and she cried.  I close every night with her and I saw her shed stressful tears one day. Sigh, this position is always tough to newcomers, and I've witnessed two already.  I told her that I will continue running program with her until things start to settle down.