Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Break the trend.

The family and I went to the Los Angeles County Zoo on Saturday.  The day was generous enough to provide some clear skies.  We arrived too early as the majority of the animals were still sleeping.  It wasn't until about 2PM when the Lions, Tigers, Bears, and Rhinos, woke.  I find Zoos very entertaining.

On Sunday, Jocelyn and I ventured into the Enchanted Forest in Pasadena. It was said to be very scenic and even mystical, haha.  As it turned out, it was indeed very pretty, despite it being outrageously cold.  Took some pictures without using my recently broken auto-focus tool.  It's very tough and it requires so much patience and steadiness.  Then we finished our little adventure with some chicken and waffles at Roscoes.  Being my first time there, I was way to anxious to try it out.  The food may be overpriced, but it was delicious and filling.

President's Day means no work.  So I took this opportunity to visit Marty.  Ever since he moved out to Irvine for Chapman, I never got a chance to visit that place.  I picked an appropriate day because his roommate's girlfriend was going to cook dinner everyone.  I met Spencer, Jen, David, and Erin that night.  I never felt so intimidated, these people were intelligent and very sociable.  They spoke with great diction and to say the least, they were attractive.  The girls cooked burgers with sweet potato fries, while the boys re-watched the All Star Game/Minority Report and played guitars.  The food was delicious, and was devoured within minutes.  After the dish washing, a hilarious game of Cranium ensued.  Imagine playing a trivia game against law students, yea, it was an intense game, haha.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Like a waterfall.

First time using solely manual focus. It's something that I need to practice more on.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Chanda Mama Raavayya

If you haven't already noticed, my blog has been very uneventful lately.  This is in full correlation to the summary of my life right now.  Not much is going on, which is not a very productive start to the new year.  I've been playing video games and watching a plethora of movies lately just to kill the time, however, I am still thoroughly entertained.

I had a good conversation with a friend today.  He has been relatively distant the past year or so, but he has finally come into realization.  We have a good friend back.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Please be true.

A recording that was done awhile back with Marty on guitar.

Fly Me To The Moon

Friday, February 4, 2011

My goodness.

I don't know what you are thinking, but you are definitely getting my attention. :D