Saturday, December 31, 2011

Auld Lang Syne.

I wish I can spend this transition into the new year with my friends, but my mother will always come first.  No matter how much she nags and yells at me about my unstable direction in life, she is all I have left for a sense of home.  So in eight minutes, the new year will be here and hopefully, things will finally turn around.

Cheers Dad.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Three consecutive nights.

RA, PianoPiano, Roscoes, and Shamrocks.  I don't think I will be doing anymore drinking until Vegas comes along next week.  Thanks everyone, I need some sleep now.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The year of 24.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Another set of hands please.

Five more days till my birthday.  It managed to sneak up on me this year.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Safe from the outside world.

My photography portfolio has expanded exponentially in the past few weeks. This marks the most shoots I have done in a single month. These weren't just any random photo shoots, they were to be presented as gifts. It was to the point where it was starting to cause some minor stress, which is what I never wanted to attain from photography. I've always avoided turning hobbies into a profession solely for that reason.

However, the feeling you get from the results of these pressured photo shoots are extremely satisfying. Especially knowing that people trust your work enough to be handed these types of jobs is rewarding. Although most of these shoots were done for free, I expect to keep this tradition. Only one occasion has slipped where the Halsteads wouldn't take no for an answer. But I don't want to make a habit of expecting compensation from these projects, I do it because it's a passion of mine.

Enough of that, here are some pictures of the last two shoots!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tales of the youth.

I've been with the new group (5th-6th) for about three weeks now and the transitioning stage is pretty much over.  They aren't so bad as they say, and the Principal thanked me for taking over.  However, ever since I left my old class, they have shown me so much love and affection.  They consistently ask me why I left and if I was to ever return for 17 days straight.  It made me miss them more than I ever thought I would.

One girl gave me a home-made Christmas card today.  It marked the first day that I would shed a tear from this job.  I gave her a hug wishing that I could've played a bigger role in her life.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A change of plans.

Three more weeks until the long-awaited Vegas trip.  Although things could have been even more grand with my brother's timeshare, it was put to a halt because of my age, :(.  So we are now back to square one, staying at the luxurious Venetian.  Despite losing the extra night that came with the Hilton, I am now determined to reach Vegas on Thursday nonetheless.  I plan to get there late on Thursday, get drunk, and roam about the strip until day breaks. As soon as our room is open for check-in, we crash.  I know I will be able to grab a few of the attendees with me for this plan.

This will be one of the greatest Vegas trips of my life.

Monday, December 12, 2011

My knees are cold.

Three separate people have so far asked me to take portrait-style photos of themselves as Christmas gifts for the parents.  I've done two, one more next week!  The weather has been so cold lately, but I love it.  Who wants to enjoy some hot cocoa in oversized sweaters with me?

Friday, December 9, 2011

Nightly photographs

Taking pictures at night maybe the hardest art form in photography.  It's in a whole other world of precision and patience.  With improper lens and the exclusion of flash, no pictures could come out perfectly clear.  Overall, it was just good seeing Hannah again.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

See how this goes.

So I just made my first post on Facebook about my music.  I did an acapella today and Marty said that I should post it up, and so I did..  The internet can be a cruel place, but I hope the public enjoys it.

Monday, December 5, 2011

I'm wounded by dust.

Christmas is coming up. My birthday is coming up. Vegas is coming up.
Courtney and Sherman are coming home soon from their adventures.

I feel like I am letting this one go too easily while being misleading to another.  Focus is needed, I'm all over the place.  I really want to write music, but it's so frustrating and physically straining.  I need to start making my own stuff, no more covers.  I want an audience.  There are lots of things for me to say, I just need to know how to put it lyrics.

Thursday, December 1, 2011