Sunday, March 28, 2010

Rise up with fists.

I have been noticing a very revolutionary trend in the world of music broadcasting. Amateur musicians all over the world are having their music and name heard, causing a new scene of recognition. No longer do musicians need to travel far and long to find a producer that would give them that 30 second chance to wow them. Fame is now accessible more than ever before to any person with a Youtube account. I've seen collaborations of artists from every far corner of the states, most of which have never even met in person. I've seen solo artists uploading their first video to broadcasting their original song in the radio within a year's time. This is amazing, and this is quite revolutionary.

Anyways, spring break is coming to an end. I enjoyed it, despite having to work 30+ hours. I managed to slip in some photoshoots, jam sessions, drinking, violin lessons, and seeing good people.

Happy Birthday Growlithe, you're 4 years old now :(

Friday, March 26, 2010

Fly me to the moon.

I am learning the violin. Thanks to Grace, I have a better understanding as to how this instrument works. I also met Grace's wonderful parents, a very musically-inclined and loving couple. They showed great hospitality and I found much commonality amongst our interests and hobbies. Having small talks with them about music and photography inspires me to keep on doing what I do.

Give me a month and I will promise to show major improvement on the violin.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Those people are staring at us.

No matter how many times I practice with friends. It always starts off extremely awkward for the first 10 minutes or so, haha. But of course, it eventually becomes natural and fun.

Model # 1 - Taylor Stout

Model # 2 - Alexis Lee

Friday, March 19, 2010

A year has gone by.

I have been blogging for a year now, and I am still grateful for ever starting it.

I also finished my finals today, which leaves me with one last quarter to go. Spring break will roll by pretty quickly, then it's time to finish this.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Music is love.

This is the closest I have been to the real thing.

When times become weary, I always have these four to fall back on. How could I have managed to neglect posting about this band for so long? It is the sole musical entity that has changed my life. They are one of the reasons as to why I want to live and experience the pre-counterculture era. They are one of the reasons as to why I picked up the guitar for the first time. And they are the main reason as to why I have been engulfed in the world of music. I can confidently say that my views on certain aspects of life have been morphed and shaped mainly by their words. The Beatles, a band that I will never get to witness live in concert.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

We run with wolves.

Plans were changed in the last minute. Instead of the Hollywood sign, we settled for Chino Hills State Park. Diemer Trail, a good 6-mile round-trip hike.

He's excited.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Don't judge me.

I had an argument with mother today. The kind of argument that required both of our vocals to reach its capacity. I am at work right now, and I am pretty frustrated.

I am going to hike up to the Hollywood sign tomorrow, even if its by myself.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Do not lose temper.

Be respectful to your mother.
Be truthful to your friends.
Be faithful to your lover.

Monday, March 8, 2010

You cared for me.

I need someone right now..

I am very tired. There are still a few days left. I have spent a majority of my weekend at work and at the school library. This will continue on for the next 4 days until all projects are done and turned it. I can honestly say that I am learning the arts of business. These four projects has taught me how to create my own business, invest in stocks and bonds, understand the physics of our dying economy, and how to interpret legal documents from companies. One more week and it will be time for finals. After that, one last quarter.

I haven't had time with mother in a while.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The winter is longer outside.

The winter is nearly over. I personally adore this particular season very much. Until next time.

So many projects and so many numbers.

So many deadlines and so many expectations.
Two more weeks and I'll finally have time to play the violin.

My license plate finally came in today. I quickly installed it along with the silver chained frame around it. :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I am a cannibal.

A being has several tangible layers until you reach its' heart.
A being thus has several intangible layers until you can reach its' true self.

It takes a few tries until you can get it right, but before you can get it right it may become overwhelmingly frustrating. There is no ending to this story; there is always that one blank page after the last. No matter how much more there is to the story, there is always that one blank sheet of paper that will keep the story going. I haven't fully given up yet.

You are far more deeper than this. I know it.