Monday, March 28, 2011

Left here for dead.

I have been on a 2 month binge playing Left 4 Dead 2.  I blame Ashraf for installing steam on my computer.  I haven't improved on anything else besides killing zombies lately, damn it.  Noob, rage, pub, hack, mod, afk.  

Monday, March 21, 2011

Newcomer to the family.

I've been productively learning the banjo lately.  I managed to try out my first recording today with the banjo, using an old and memorable song.  


Saturday, March 19, 2011

Counter-culture years.

I've been dwelling in the past lately, particularly with the memories of my late teens.  During those years, I was engulfed in the world of the free-spirited.  I had put myself in everything and anything indie, and simply followed the masses in their culture.  The most dramatic change was my taste in music.  From the mainstream hip-hop background during high school, it was completely replaced with rock, folk, and indie within a year.  My style of clothing naturally adapted to tighter fitting clothes, and layering was a necessity.  All the money that was made from my job was spent in spontaneous travels, shows, instruments, cds, and photography.  I was blinded with the fascination of the counter-culture era and gradually fell in love with the Beatles and Bob Dylan.  I attended protests against the war on terror in Los Angeles and started my consumption of the devil's lettuce.  I would often try to defy time and indulge myself with antiques such as a record player and a polaroid camera. The idea of a modern hippie was an intriguing thought, sadly to say.  It was an unstable lifestyle, and also an unrealistic one.

Although I do miss those years, it wasn't a practical direction.  Being "different" is a very independent and strong-willed thought, but it isn't so different if everyone is doing it.  That phase in my life was a blast, and most of the time memorable.  The things I pursue now compared to those years have drastically changed.  They were the years for experimenting. The results were fun, but it came with an expiration date.  

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Wolves, oh wolves.

Marty and I have been playing music again the past few days.  Thanks to him, I have a banjo to mess around with for the next few weeks.  We recorded some folksy tunes like always, and this one is particularly beautiful.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Anything at all?

I wish there were things to talk about, things to update on. But there are none, it's March already and things are still lifeless.  I can't seem to finish a recording, the results aren't satisfying to save.  I have stopped my work-out routine completely, which is very disappointing on my part.

The only things I have been looking forward to are the weekly happy hour gathering at Applebees. Also, the monthly celebratory dinner with the fast-food free gang.  Other than that, my schedule has be less than eventful.  I'm still consistently getting interviewed by multiple places, with no positive results or offers.  With that, I am still broke. :(