Wednesday, September 23, 2009

This will be the last time

..that I will go through the "first" day of school ever again.

I will be attending school on Tuesday and Thursdays from 10AM to 7:50PM. I am going to have a three hour break from 11:45AM to 3PM and an hour break from 5PM to 6PM.

This summer has been an overall successful one, to say the least. All the plans I made were completed with a few extra bonuses thrown in. Although there were some unnecessary events that caused some discontent, everything still fell in the right place. It was a long summer, but I wished it to be longer. Everyone is already back in the mode, I guess I should be joining them too. Lets get this over with. Fuck. One more year.


  1. you should be happy that you only have one more stinking year. or be happy now before it gets close! haha jk. all and all, i think you can handle what's next after school's over. :]

  2. aw meesh, you're cute.
