Friday, February 17, 2012


This might be the first time in a long while where I actually feel uncomfortable at work.  We've had a new supervisor fill in for the past month since Natalie had to go into surgery, resulting with a medical leave.  This new SC can be very energetic, which is a good quality to have to be an Site Coordinator.  However, she can also be very annoying as a coworker, especially if she has feelings towards you.  The way she flirts isn't even adorable, it's towards the obnoxious side.  She finds the most inappropriate times to tell me about her love life, and how lonely she is.  She often asks me to accompany her to random places after work, but I consistently refuse.  It's at the point where I don't even want to be alone with her because its a guarantee that she will create some awkwardness.  The only responses I ever give back from those flirtations were a simple laugh followed by a shrug.  I never thought I would complain about sexual harassment upon myself, but here it is folks.  It's awkwardly frightening.

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