Thursday, April 19, 2012

I know I've killed a few.

I've been on a hiatus with photography lately, as one would have noticed with the dullness of my posts lately.  Despite the fact, I was able to meet up with an old coworker a few weekends back.  Casey is possibly the most experience and knowledgeable photographer that I personally know.  We walked around Downtown Claremont, snapping photos and discussing various aspects of taking photos.  He recently started his own wedding photography business, I hope that guy does big things or else I wouldn't stand a chance in the market.

On that note, I was contacted by someone in regards to my work.  She is interested in having me do her engagement photos with her fiancee this Summer.  I felt so flattered to be referred by my friend for this project, so hopefully everything pulls through and I'll be able to help them out! :)

One last thing, Instagram is pretty damn neat.

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