Thursday, May 3, 2012

Hotdog cravings.

I was never much of a hotdog boy, but I've been craving it a lot more lately.  I'm sure the Dodgers' game played a big part to building that up for me.  Speaking of which, it was my first ever Dodgers' game this past weekend, and what a great game to start it all off!  Rachel tried her best to filled me in on certain political aspects of the game.  The game started off pretty slow and uninteresting since no one scored till the 8th inning.  The game eventually went into overtime and the Nationals failed to make a run, so it was up to the Dodgers to finish it then and there.  There was so much hype for the next batter, Matt Kemp.  The stadium played a montage of his feats throughout the season and the fans were cheering "MVP."  I've never witnessed so much pressure for one single person in my life, I felt sorry for the guy.  He came out swinging two strikes, causing many fans to grow silent from they positive cheers.  But before the stadium completely lost its hope, he delivered a powerful contact with the third pitch.  As the ball soars through the air, the roars from the crowd exploded as it passes the outfield.  Just like that, Dodgers won a game in a very close and rare situation.  What a game to see live. 

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