Sunday, June 3, 2012

First mobile post.

I have to write this now. My aunt from France came to visit today. She is my father's step sister and my mom hasn't seen her in over 40 years back in Vietnam. Her strikingly similar features of my dad made it very easy for me to spot her out from the bus stop.

She wanted to visit our great aunt, so we made that our first stop. My great aunt lives in a nursing home, due to her disability to walk and the Alzheimer's. My great aunt was sleeping when we got there, so my mom and aunt decided to wait at the patio until she wakes. More relatives show up at the patio and they told me to check if she was awake.

I walked in and the nurse was already strapping her on to the wheelchair. The first thing said to me was "who are you?" I told her my name in Chinese. Then she asked me when I was getting married, haha. Her Alzheimer's are pretty severe as she constantly forgets even her closest relatives. But the next part is what led me to write this post.

As I wheeled her out to patio to meet everyone, my aunt approached her first. My great aunt looked up at her for three seconds without saying a word. My aunt held her hand and re-introduced herself. My great aunt tilted her head towards her hand and kissed it. My aunt immediately lost control and cried, causing a chain reaction amongst everyone else, even myself. My great aunt kept asking her questions as if her memory was completely recovered.

There is so much history within my family that I always choose to ignore. But watching this interaction today made me feel as if I was there all along.

PS: If you are going to blog through your phone, you are going to have a bad time.

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