Thursday, March 14, 2013

Sesame balls

Two weekends ago, Vanessa and I took my mom out for dim sum in the morning.  I haven't taken my mom out in a while, and she seemed happy that I had invited her.  I think I have gotten Vanessa hooked, :)

Later that night, I went on my first gondola ride!  It's the closest thing to a Venice experience for me.  The 50 minute ride took us within the canal of private homes and docks, which was surprisingly beautiful.  The neighborhood was quiet and the water was calm.  The ride gave us complementary champagne with cheese and bread.  Thanks darling.

The next day was our second archery lesson.  This time, we chose to work on recurve bows.  Last time we did the compound one, and in the end we both agreed we like the recurve ones more.  It was a lot harder to draw back, let alone aim well.  However, when you hit a target, the amount of satisfaction makes up for it. After our second lesson, we were approved by the trainer to rent bows and shoot without them being present!  I think we are both addicted now, meaning that we will be buying bows soon. :)

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