Monday, April 22, 2013

40 Dollars/Pound

A few weekends ago, I acted as the representative of China and went with Vanessa's family to eat dimsum and visit the Buddhist Temple in Hacienda.  During dimsum, Mr. Navarro was more livelier and hilarious than usual.  He was very keen to learning our language that day as well haha. After ordering only 6 or so dishes of dimsum, Mr. Navarro decided to go big and order a 10 pound King Crab.  This plate caused half of the restaurant's customers to stop and look in awe, while Krystal decides to wear the actual crab shell on her head, lol.  The Buddhist Temple was a spontaneous visit.  Mr. and Mrs. Navarro were both very intrigued with the religion and I did the best I could in providing information.

Vanessa, Krystal, and I parted ways with their parents and we headed for our next destination, the Nixon Library.  Located in Brea, we were able to make it within an hour before closing.  We walked in the house where Nixon was born, and stood in the helicopter where Nixon used as a decoy.  After being forced out of the facility, we then headed for The Circle in Orange.  The place was filled with vintage antique stores and soda stations.  With no luck in finding gifts for Mrs. Navarro's bday, we left home in time to catch the season three finale of the Walking Dead.  I was disappointed, stupid Andrea.

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