Friday, April 18, 2014

Indian Cuisine

I apologize for being absent here in the past two months. I will regret this is the future, I'm sure of it. To be fair, however, it will be easy to catch up.  We have gotten hooked with yet another leisure activity.  The obsession this time around is Indian cuisine.  Ever since I started working with the Ghelani family last July, I feel in love with their exotic dishes.  Vanessa and I tried several places before discovering the local hidden gem down the street from her house.  We have gone once a week for the past five weeks, it is ridiculous.

This will also mark the place where both Vanessa's and my mom meet for the first time.  It was pretty sudden for the meet, but it went surprisingly well despite the language barrier.  Mrs. Navarro was nervous, so she brought Krystal for moral support, haha.  Naturally, I was the translator for the two, as they joked about their children and husbands.  After the dinner, Mrs. Navarro gave my mom a grand tour of the unfinished house and their animals.  My mom had a smile the whole time, which was nice.

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