Sunday, May 13, 2012

Embrace the races.

My stamina is improving.  Come to think of it, I'm just working towards getting it back.  The amount of miles I ran in high school would've definitely helped if only I had continued.  It's okay though, with all this running and swimming, I'll get back on track soon enough.

With work entering it's third month, things are slowly settling down.  Having only four cases, I'm still searching for a few more to satisfy the hours.  I am, however, seeing improvement with what I am doing.  All of the concepts and strategies are becoming second nature to me.  Also, one of my supervisors was nice enough to start teaching me sign language. I just need to get more engaged with the overall idea of "work."

1 comment:

  1. is the hot boss teaching you private sign language classes? ;)

    what an opportunity it would be lol
