Thursday, May 3, 2012

Throwback Thursday

On January of 2009, I took up snowboarding.  I was able to purchase all the equipment at nearly half cost due to my connections at Chick's Sporting Goods and Sport Chalet at the time.  Brian, Glenn, and Andrew have always talked about snowboarding in the Summer prior, so I was getting pretty hyped for the season. However, they ended up not going at all that season, so I went with my co-workers.

The first trip was a success.  Falling was anticipated, but I picked it up relatively fast and I was ready to go again.  The second trip, however, was a different story.  We managed to get nearly a third of the employees to go, so it was starting out to be a fun day.  The weather was great; I was able to wear a thin long-sleeve and still feel the sun's rays.  The session was about over and we decided to make one.....last....trip.

On my way down, I notice Mike, Erin, Tony, and Darren just sitting towards the side.  I joined them, realizing that they were debating about attempting this box that was towards the end.  Erin was scared, and she said that if I'd do it, she would follow.  After a short chat, I told them I was going to go first.  So I went, with this immature confidence.  As I quickly approached the box, I gained more speed than I had anticipated.  For a person that barely got the hang of it, I immediate realized I had no idea what I was doing.  As I lifted off the incline, the weight of my body drew backwards, exposing my body horizontally towards the box.  My tailbone was the first the make contact with the box, then my body just slid across the rest of it.

It happened so fast, and before I knew it I was already on the floor on the other end.  I heard gasps from the people all around, and I couldn't feel the lower half of my body.  Mike was the first to approach me, and I just told him "take off the bindings, take off the bindings.."  He removed the board from my feet, and I just laid there on my stomach.  The pain was indescribable, but I remember my whole body shaking uncontrollably.  I also remembered Rhea, Brock, and Nick finding us there.  I noticed Erin crying because she kept telling me it was her fault.  Everything was such a blur, at one point I even thought I was going to be paralyzed.  Then finally a girl came to my aid.  Her name was Bambi, and all of us started joking about her name and my failure.  I was then placed on a sled, attached to her snowmobile, and she drove me all the way down to the medical center.

Something else happened in that room, but I will refrain from writing it. I'll remember it just by reading this post. Anyways, I ended up with a fractured tailbone and was required to sit on a doughnut looking cushion for about a month.

Ever since I joined the Instagram community, I've noticed a trend a pictures being posted on every Thursday.  They are simply old, often nostalgic, pictures that people want to bring back to share, calling it Throwback Thursday.  However, I want to start something like that on my blog.  Instead of pictures, I want to write a piece on a fond or special memory of mine prior to having this blog. I've always regretted myself for not making this blog sooner, but I guess here is my chance to recall some of those memories on record.


  1. *Gasp* Did she stick her finger up your bunghole to feel the tail bone? hahah

    Or or...had to stand there naked for x-ray? haha i dont think you told me anything that happened in there

  2. Man, you are so gay Brian.
