Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Braimy Bash 2012

I've had the luxury of celebrating this combo birthday for three years straight now.  The destination for this year was San Diego.  Despite it being only two days and one night, we still managed to do a lot.  Marty and I were the last to arrive, but we caught up with their intoxication levels pretty quickly.  After five shots of Hypnotiq and two shots of Jager, we invaded the infamous Gaslamp District.  That place was extremely populated with bars and drunks, which was pretty awesome. There, I met Sinead O'Connor, who took my phone away and forced me to dance for 5 seconds.  The next day was the Intervention pool club.  The place was pretty packed and the pool was outrageously small.  Marty and I agreed that it wasn't our "scene" haha. Despite the blazing hot sun, it was fun to see everyone dancing and enjoying themselves.  Especially Briamy, they looked like they were having a blast.  Marty and I left home early to ultimately make our long awaited "bears". 

I spent way more than I had originally planned to. Maybe 3 times more, yikes! Let's save up again.

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