Monday, May 20, 2013

The Chewbacca Defense

With my girlfriend being a Wookie, the defense is valid.

Last week was our seven month anniversary, :).  Vanessa took me to Roy's in Pasadena.  It is a Hawaiian Fusion Cuisine that she discovered in Hawaii last year.  The short ribs and Roy's trio of fish was delicious, and the drinks were strong enough to put us in a good buzz.  She got me Cartman speakers for my ipod! 

Sunday afternoon was our second Angel's game.  Accompanying us this time was her mom and grandma, :).  With her grandma being a huge Angel's fan, it was fun to watch her be so serious while the three of us were just waiting for the game to be over with.  I think Vanessa's mom is more comfortable with me because she has called me a hipster for the second time, haha.

The following two nights were spent celebrating with law school graduates.  Marty and Brandon both graduated from Chapman University and had a family/friend gathering at their respective homes in consecutive days.  Both parties had amazing food, and plenty of alcohol.  Juanita and Duke were adorable hosts at Brandons, and Mr. Cihigoyenetch creates quite a classy gathering at Marty's.  It was good seeing the whole gang sitting in one table and just laughing and drinking, something that doesn't happen quite often anymore.  

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