Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Gemini #2

The weekend after her birthday, I took Vanessa out for her last day to pig out before her diet.  We had Korean BBQ, as promised for her birthday.  It was awesome, like always, and our food comas kicked in quick.  But instead of sleeping, we chose to watch This is the End.  It definitely woke us up due to it being one of the funniest films we had ever seen.  "Suck my dick, Danny."

The next day, Vanessa had her birthday brunch with the girls at Roscoes Deli.  I showed up 2 hours later, and since I knew all the girls prior to meeting Vanessa, it wasn't as awkward as I thought it would be haha.  They were serving unlimited mimosas until 1pm, so the girls proceeded to chug as much as they could before the final call.  After a few glasses of mimosas and three shots, Vanessa was out cold by 2:30pm lol.  Erin dropped the birthday cupcakes again, making it the second time, both times baked by Allie, hahahaha.  I took Vanessa home and it took about 3 to 4 hours for her to fully regain some recollection as to what had happened. I'm glad my girlfriend is slowly becoming a lightweight, just like me, :).

The next weekend was Las Vegas.  This time, we were celebrating a threesome of birthdays; Lawrence, Waldo, and Vanessa.  Vanessa and I showed up to the festivities on Saturday night due to my work schedule.  By the time we arrived, nearly everyone in the group were wasted and hilarious haha.  Lots of topless bodies and sexual jokes ensued.  Vanessa and I tried to catch up with Jack and Coke, as well as losing to the Wheel of Fortune slot machine as the group sobered up.  We all arrived to XS by 10:45pm, thanks to a very entertaining Lebanese cab driver by the name of Saab.  The club was beautiful and the drinks were rapeage, but it was expected haha.  Vanessa made some new friends on the dance floor for Lawrence, but he left for drinks.  Braimy was hungover. And I had a brief quarrel with an old man and the security guard.  Vanessa felt sick and we were the first to leave for the hotel.  After a brief three hours of sleep, we were ready to head home.  We took Ayo, Shay, and David along with us on the way back.  Shay and David got royally fucked by their van on this trip, poor fellas.  But luckily their Van started when we dropped them off.  We got home just in time for my nephew's birthday!  What an eventful, yet short, weekend.

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