Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Gemini

It was Vanessa's birthday a few weeks ago, but according to her, the whole month of June is hers haha.  As for her actual birthday weekend.  We had lunch with her grandfather at El Torito.  It was my first time meeting the man, and although he is weak at the knees, he still looked intimidating.  He also has an interesting habit of taking out cash from his pockets, giving them out seamlessly during birthdays and holidays haha.

The next day was Vanessa's actual birthday.  The plan was to first have a free photoshoot from my friend Casey, but I had something planned prior to us leaving.  I had to sneakily communicate with Vanessa's mom, sister, and brother to help set up my gift for her in the loft.  So prior to me arriving, Mrs. Navarro had already told the gate guards to let me pass without calling, and Steven made sure to have Vanessa up in the livingroom.  Steven faked and exaggerated his hangover and requested Vanessa to stay by his side, lol.  I went down to the loft quietly, setting up my gift next to her bed.  After a few minutes, I called Vanessa asking her to go to the loft to see if I had left my watch there the night prior.  I heard footsteps, so I hid behind the bar as she opened the slide door.  Beatles music filled the air, and she followed the sound to a record player. I then reveal myself, and her eyes widened. :), Happy birthday baby. After the photoshoot, we went back to her house to have dinner with the family, including both of her grandmothers.  Her grandmother's homemade enchiladas are amazingly delicious. 

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