Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Waldena Osuna

After nine years of knowing Waldo Osuna, I get to see him finally take the oath. I always knew this day would come, the question was just when. Well it happened last week as I watched him place his ring into Jena's finger. I was honored to stand by his side as a groomsman, along with some of the closest friends in my life.

The wedding was lovely and the people were beautiful. I looked forward to this day for a very long time, given that a majority of all my friends were were going to be at the wedding. Everyone had smiles and most of us drank without hesitation. All of us danced our hearts out, a sight that I had never seen before. There were pictures taken in all angles and people conversed with one another as if they were close friends. It was an awesome night. A perfect wedding. Congratulations Waldo and Jena Osuna.






Whatever it was, Carly didn't find it funny.


Best Speech Award

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