Wednesday, September 3, 2014


Ever since the ending of the masterpiece called Breaking Bad, we had been contemplating on which shows to start (and finish).  So in the past four months, we've caught up with Game of Thrones, True Detective, Orange is the New Black, and Attack on Titan.

Attack on Titan is an odd ball out of the group of shows that we watched, considering that it is an anime.  It is an ongoing action series that doesn't stray away from the typical Japanese anime recipe of dragging out its story at times.  We aren't quite sure if we will be continuing with the series, but we sure enjoyed the action and twists during its finest moments.

True Detective was a brilliant miniseries that consisted about a dozen episodes.  It revolves around one single case that took about a decade to crack.  And with the help of McConaughey and Harrison's charismatic chemistry, it makes us sad to know that it was only for one season.

Orange is the New Black caught us off guard.  It was heavily female driven drama/comedy that took us by surprise at how addicting it was.  With season 2 ending a little weaker than the way it began, I hope the next season redeems itself early!

Our favorite show of the batch was Game of Thrones.  I always knew fantasy drama would be a great show, but I was always hesitant of starting because it would require a lot of time to invest.  With 4 full length seasons to catch up, Vanessa and I managed to binge it in less than 3 weeks!  So many great characters and memorable moments caused Vanessa to read in the midst of waiting for season 5!

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