Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Great White Man

This past weekend was near perfect.  The four months of waiting finally ended.  Despite having a handful of people dropping out a few days prior, the remaining attendees managed to fill up the absences with ease.  The final party was Lawrence, Brian, Amy, Courtney, Jocelyn, and Marty.

The resort was gorgeous, given that fact that we had our own private beach.  We squeezed in plenty of games and activities in the three short days.  
  • Swimming at the beach
  • King's Cup (Courtney lost)
  • Firehouse Brewery
  • Walking over a mile for burritos
  • Fuck the Dealer (Marty lost)
  • 3-way spoonfest singing "Wannabe" by Spice Girls
  • Shitty Continental breakfast
  • 3 hours of Shark Week with Amy
  • Pool with complimentary swimming lessons
  • Pizza/pasta lunch with John Cusack
  • Kayaking! Capsizing!
  • Beach intermission
  • Burgerface with Ron Weasley
  • Catchphrase
  • Power Hour (Lawrence got lucky)
  • 2 more hours of Shark Week
  • Ales Smith's Brewery
  • Stone's Brewery
  • Wilson's Winery
I had a very good time. And this is my favorite picture of the weekend.

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