Thursday, August 23, 2012

Throwback Thursday #2

This goes back to early 2008.  It was sometime during the Spring, my guess would be April.  I was getting relatively close and comfortable with this girl.  We went to shows and shopped for records together.  We had similar taste in music and she seemed like a genuine sweetheart.  There was a party in the upcoming weekend being held by a mutual friend of ours.  We frequently texted each other that day to see if we were both going to meet at the party, and we did.  I went with a pretty fun pact: Brian, Glenn, Andrew, and Jesse.  I shotgunned my first beer that night, and I remembered clearly how refreshing that felt.  An hour into the party, I found her dancing with her girlfriends.  We talked and we made some drinks at the bar.  Eventually we had to keep our own friends company so we split up for awhile.

I remember coming out of the restroom and hearing my name being yelled by two girls.  I turned over and I saw two very welcoming faces, Hannah and Jennie!   We were all shocked to be at the same party, and we mingled at the den.  A few minutes later I looked upstairs to notice the host of the party dragging her into his room. It wasn't aggressive of course, and they were obviously messing around, but I remember her leaving the room a few minutes after. However, I got frustrated when I saw that happening, and I just simply continued drinking.

I tried texting her to come see me, but there was no reply.  I then joined my group of friends that were sitting in a circle on the front lawn.  The alcohol eventually caught up to me and I was starting to get sloppy. I then decided to walk on top of a brick wall, bordered by a metal fence.  I remember Jesse's voice from below saying, "be careful, man / come down, dude." I ignored him, and of course, I slipped.  I arm was caught on the fence before I was able to reach the floor.  Jesse caught me, and we went back to the circle.

Two minutes in, I noticed that it was wet under my right arm.  I put my left arm under the shirt and when it came back out, the guys around me gasped.  It was a lot of blood, and I still couldn't feel a thing.  My whole body was numb, I couldn't even sit up straight.  I remember falling to Andrew and he became my support for the night. This whole time I still had her in the back of my mind, paired with disappointment.

I recall Hannah coming out with a glass of water for me, and the guys discussing loudly as to what steps to take next.  We were waiting in the curbside/driveway for some reason, and that's when she finally came out.  Oblivious to what has happened to my arm, she just laughs and says "wow you are more drunk than I am tonight." I quickly replied with "yea that is a first, huh."  Brian, Jesse, and Glenn followed what I said with a "OOOOOOH" as if I purposely burned her and wanted her to look bad.  Her smile disappeared and she immediately turned around and headed back inside the house.

We then left the party, with Jesse driving my car.  I was placed in the back seat, holding my right arm tightly. I was regretting what was said to her, paying no attention to the injury.  The guys stopped by CVS or something, and someone came back with first aid care.  I remember being in front of Andrew's house, with even more first aid care.  Then I was at Glenn's, and he told me to give him my shirt because of all the blood, he said that his mom could remove all of it (which she did).  Then I was back home, stumbling up to my bed. lying there, realizing the mess that occurred.

A few hours later I was woken up to set up for a yardsale, and I also went to an Elton John concert the very same night.  That girl and I never worked out, and all I can do is just laugh about it now with the guys every once in awhile, haha.

P.S. My bed had a significant blood puddle the next day.

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