Monday, December 10, 2012

Another one gone.

Found out that I failed another interview today. To make it worst, it's the second time this company rejected me. Oh well, next!

Lawrence and I started up our gaming nights again, with the new game being Saints Row 2. We play as ourselves in a city run by ridiculously themed gangs. Ill always find time to enjoy these game nights with Lawry.

Vanessa and I ventured out to Hollywood yesterday. We dropped my mom off at a relatives house and the two of us went to the heavily tourist attracted boulevard. We did some people watching, Xmas shopping, and ended with a dessert break.

Later that night we did our first arts and crafts night together. We bought materials from Jo-Anne's and made our Christmas sweaters for Erin's upcoming party. They are nearly complete and it is turning out to be rather cute haha. Pictures will come soon.

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