Saturday, December 29, 2012

It feels like Winter.

I was scheduled to work on my birthday, but I had requested to get off a little early.  Vanessa was done with work about an hour before me, so I told her to just go to my house since it is only five minutes away.  When she had texted me saying that she was in my room, I was ready to just leave work right then and there.  I'll admit, I might have maintained ten miles above the speed limit the whole drive home.  I rushed upstairs as soon as I entered the house, and there she was was, sitting there with Lilly and Calvin.

My ceiling was decorated with streamers and on my bed was a giant wrapped box tied with balloons.  I told the kids to leave the room for a little bit so I can open the gift with Vanessa alone.  I quickly ripped up the wrapping and opened the box to find a red balloon covered with hearts floating up.  As it hit the ceiling of my room, at my eye level was something attached to the string of the balloon.  They were tickets, and with a closer glance, they were tickets to Ed Sheeran!  Even Vanessa was surprised at how perfect it came out, haha.  Thank you darling, you clever little wookie.

She then took me out to dinner in Downtown Claremont. She told me it was one of her favorite restaurants, but I already knew where we were going, ;).  We went to Viva Madrid, a petite and a cozy decorated Spanish restaurant.  I never had authentic Spanish food before, so she led the way with the menu.  With sangria, five tapas and an entree, our tummies were satisfied. Thank you for everything love, you have made this my best birthday in twenty five years.

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