Friday, June 7, 2013

Stupid Butterflies (The Cons)

June 1st

4.30am - Woke up from the hotel with only 3 hours of sleep.
7.30am - Started our 10 mile hike with 40 pounds of luggage.
8.45am - Realizing our pace was much slower than expected.
10.15am - Only 4 miles have passed.
10.30am - Our shoulders were in pain.
11.00am - Noticing a blister forming on my right foot.
11.30am - Returning hikers giving us false hope.
12.00pm - Made it to the village, blister is now an inch wide.
12.00pm - Noticing a blister forming on my left foot.
1.00pm - Removed my shoes and wore sandals.
1.02pm - The sand and dirt was way hot, burning my feet.
1.30pm - Saw two snakes.
2.00pm - Couldn't find a campsite to settle in.
3.00pm - Took out supplies and realized soap bottle cracked.
3.02pm - Both our pajamas were soaked in soap.
4.00pm - My right knee was giving out.
5.00pm - Didn't have water shoes, jagged rocks in the pools.
5.45pm - My sandals ripped.
6.00pm - Couldn't walk anymore, Vanessa found me a stick.
7.45pm - Can't poop.
8.00pm - Threw away our dinner because the oxygen packet was still in.

June 2nd

8.30am - Woke up realizing there are tiny worms in our tent.
9.00am - Discovering that they are able to crawl through the tent holes.
9.30am - Re-positioned our tent location.
10.00am - Turn my hiking shoes into slippers.
10.30am - Both knees are giving out.
11.00am - Met a series of bad photographers.
1.15am - A giant rock fell on Vanessa's foot
2.00pm - Vanessa slipped in a pond with our electronics.
2.15pm - Vanessa scraped her food and cut her toe.
3.00pm - People are recognizing me as the gimpy Asian guy.
5.00pm - Met the worst photographer of our generation.
9.00pm - Laid in our tent, it was still very hot.
11.00pm - Notice a few worms crawling on the outside.
11.10pm - Paranoia begins.
12.00am - Refusing to sleep.
June 3rd

4.00am - Woke up thinking it was 5am.
4.10am - Realizing no more worms had appeared, wasting a night of sleep.
6.30am - Both my legs are completely worn out, 2 miles to helicopter.
10.30am - Not enough room in helicopter, Vanessa and I got split up.

Lol, what a weekend it was.  But I assure you, even with this long list of misfortunes, the trip was still worth it.  

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry those people inconvenienced you with their terrible photography lol
