Sunday, June 14, 2009

How unexpected of me.

I was looking forward to yesterday night, I wanted all my friends to have a good time. I don't think I accomplished that goal. And not only that, I have forgotten how I react when I drink too much. It has been too long apparently. A lot of good friends showed up today and I was happy; happy enough to just drink whenever the chance was given. I haven't drank this much in about two years, and I knew exactly why I limited myself for that long.

I made a friend worry today because I was acting reckless, I am sorry. It has been a long time since I was intoxicated at such a level, and everything came back. I cried on my drive home, and it was a mess. I couldn't bare to go home, so I went back to some friends. I was embarrassed, and I couldn't control myself. I dampened the mood for everyone rather quickly and I hated myself for doing that. At least it didn't happen at the table in front of everyone. Thanks Glenn, didn't expect myself to lean on your shoulders today.

It has been some time since I have cried for you. Damn, what a mess I caused today.


  1. trust wong, you didn't dampen anyone's spirits at ALL. thats what were here for man...and we will continue to be there for you, through thick and thin...feel better buddy. im sure He would be very happy for you and very proud of you.

  2. We love you, Davy.

  3. i love you, man. and this is what i was thinking before i saw joce's comment.
