Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm younger than that now.

Words can't explain as to how much I miss the years of 2006 and 2007. I had a talk with a friend today, and it had me reminiscing...a lot. I sincerely miss quite a few people, and even though I may still be talking to you now, I miss the old you. Words were spoken back then like wedding vows, they were meaningful and they were beautiful. Where did everyone go and why did everyone leave? Things were so practical, and I liked that. My house was actually a home and my family actually lived in it. Birthdays were celebrated and games were played because everyone was home; not away for school, work, or even the air force. Friendships were formed through mutual friends, connecting the edges together. Then everything left. And the year 2007 ended.

I miss you so fucking much.

I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now.

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