Sunday, June 7, 2009

If work permits.

Work was sentimental today. The new store has been opened for over a month now and everyone is getting acquainted with the new routine pretty well. Our store manager, Larry, took a week off for surgery and he came back in today. He lost a noticeable amount of weight, and he looked weak. It was rather depressing seeing him so limited in doing heavy work. I remember him interviewing me two years ago when I wore my Sport Chalet uniform into the store, haha.

Later at work, I had a nice talk with a customer about golf. He was telling me stories of how he started golfing and how he purchased his first set of golf clubs at this store...10 years ago. He then took a nostalgic look around the store, his hand running through his hair, and said, "man..... things have changed..." He was in his early 50's, and I don't think he was just talking about the store either.

I'm ready to call it quits at Dick's Sporting Goods. I am contributing to much for them to be only repaying me with minimum wage. I was thinking of where to migrate to, and I think I pinpointed one place. Wells Fargo would be a lovely new place to settle down.

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