Thursday, June 11, 2009

I wish i was bulletproof.

Summer vacation has finally come. Do you want to be apart of mine?

I don't know why, but this preceding summer seems more worthwhile than the others years before. Maybe because it is a fresh summer comparing to last years mournful one. I am expecting memorable events to occur during these three months and I am not going to let anything ruin it. Three trips have been up for planning, with one of them being my most anticipated trip ever since last year.
  1. Roadtrip through California with Lawrence (with a few members pending).
  2. Las Vegas with Brian, Glenn, and Andrew (apparently there's more people going now).
  3. Flying somewhere with mom, we still have yet to choose a destination.
I am not limiting myself to just those three events of course. So please, don't be stubborn and afraid to give me a call to hang out. That has been one of my growing pet-peeves lately; people that don't initiate the phone call to hang out when they are obviously bored. It gives out a signal that I am not even worthy of a friend to be called for company.

But either way, this summer will be good. And you can be apart of it if you wish.

1 comment:

  1. yah mang! its gonne be a summer to remember! shieeeeet can't wait!
