Sunday, January 1, 2012

I am ready to wait until it begins.

I've had a blog for almost four years now, and for the end of each year I'd recap on the highlights.  This year wasn't as adventurous, nor was it at all life-changing.  Unfortunately, I've grown more distant with a few friends, but this only resulted with an even stronger friendship with the remaining few.

Trying to recall my fondest memories of the year is difficult, but I do remember the weekly meetings of Applebees with the gang.  I do remember the fast food free pact we made for a few months.  I do remember the beerpong nights, which eventually got renamed as the chandeliers nights.  Let us not forget about the weekend in Lake Arrowhead with the group, and the weekend in Vegas for Briamy.  Let us not forget the short trip to San Francisco with my brother.  How about the successful annual traditions of the Turkey Bowl with old coworkers and Wongsgiving with friends?  How about the feeling of reeling in a seven pound fish, or being rattled by the sounds of a fired shotgun?  I'd like to mention that I sincerely miss the group of kids I worked with in Santa Ana over the Summer.  I also miss playing with the Jason Terryakis, despite how horrible and frustrating it got.  I am grateful for the families that are entrusting me the responsibility of tutoring their children.  I am also grateful for the families and friends that are entrusting me with the responsibility of being their photographer.  I would like to note that I am getting more comfortable with my singing.  I would like to note that I finally learned how to play the banjo.  And finally, I'd like to address that my three-day birthday bash was awesome.

Two thousand and eleven was not my best year to say the least, but fortunately I'm still with the people I love.

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