Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Third Night - Moist and Beany Clams

The next morning was lazy, with Marty and I fake sleeping for 2 hours overhearing conversations and gossips.  Brian, Amy, and Megan's plan for the jacuzzi was foiled by an unexpected "hurricane." Rocke came back from the Excalibur with the relative news of "crazy winds."  Tao was then quickly decided as the best choice for the night since it was located in the same building.  Brian, Amy, and I had lunch at the usual food court, catching up and laughing at all the mishaps that have occurred so far.  I finished my wine with pizza, and became insanely sleepy. But that didn't stop me from joining Marty, Justin and Megan in a gambling session.

ATM fees, learning craps, comedic dealers, "spankbank," Justin looking 14, Marty looking 18 with beard, lovely blackjack dealer, cheap drinks, worse ice tea ever, Justin losing his I.D., failed plan to get more free drinks, racist slot machines.

Nighttime came, and this was going to be our last hurrah in Vegas.  The drinks that were left in the room weren't ideal, but we did what we could.  This night marked the most drunk I've gotten all weekend, cause I don't even remember much to write on, so I'll try my best.

"Ball so hard,""That shit cray,""I look swoll,""George croooney," being talkative, new faces, me paying twice as much than the other guys, open bar for ladies, small and breezy balcony, Jena stealing shots like a ninja, leaving relatively early with Briamy. 

Got surprised back at the room by Rocke and his friend, we quickly left for Walgreens in hope for some cheap beer, but Brian forgot his I.D.  So we ate some bacon cheese fries and waited at the lobby for everyone to meet up with us.  I found some white cotton/fake snow in the lobby and proceeded to make eyebrows out of them.  I remember desperately trying to get on top of a ledge to sit, but failed to do so as Amy got up easily with the help of Brian :(.  I also remember Amy throwing her life savings away at a lion head fountain, and Rocke finding us somehow at the casino floor.  We decided that room service would be the best option since we were all extremely tired.

Delicious pizza, candle lit occasion being spoiled, "I'm very small so I can fit in there," nicknames for sexual organs, flowers and rods and gazongas, talking to Waldo on the phone.

I ended up sleeping on the splooge bed. Ew.
Oh and also, we lost fucking Justin again for the third night straight.

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