Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Second Night - That Shit Cray

The next morning was dreadful for at least half of us. We spent nearly half the day at the room just to recover before we set off to XS at the Encore.

Dry heaving, drunk breakfast with Marty, 
Caillou fuckin up, hot cheetos with jalapeno cheese, card games with Jena, getting bags of ice, discovering wine and 7-up.

We pregamed for XS with a few games of King's Cup, arguably some of the best round's I've ever played.  It was this game that helped me finish 1 and a half bottles of wine.

Mimicking dance moves, accents, captains and chiefs, making new curse words, pointing, nicknames, presidents, rhymes, "Are you a lesbian?"

XS was a very nice club, especially with the awesome hook up that Andrew Austria provided.  With that mentality in mind, I decided to spend more money haha.  Just like the night before, things happened here that caused my drunkeness to quickly sober up, but I'm glad I did cause I was getting very sleeping half way through the dancing. We also lost Justin for a brief moment again due two lovely ladies.  I smoked too many cigarettes in that club, and drank too much wine.  Rocke and I were the first to leave the club because we wanted some food.

Megan and Deshonda, creepers that were twice my size, fist pumps, lion fist, Denny's with Rocke, good discussion, making eye contacts, Denny's again with the rest of the gang.

The night ended with a 3-way spoonfest with Marty and Justin, with me being in the vulnerable middle position.  Oh well, it's Vegas, haha.

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