Monday, February 18, 2013

Year of the Ekans

For those of you that had missed your childhood, Ekans is a pokemon. Spell it backwards and you get Snake.

Chinese New Years is awfully close to Valentine's this year.  And when Valentine's is near, so is the birthday  of a little white boy.  It was Marty's 25th, and I planned it the weekend before so it would be easier for everyone to make it.  The turn out was good, and a good amount of the attendees got drunk, haha.  Happy birthday batpaw, I don't see you as much as I used to, but it's all good since we both have found our ladies at the same time, :).

The next day was with my family. Vanessa and I slept for about 3 hours to wake up for the New Years' activities.  My family greeted both Vanessa and I with red envelopes!  It was her first time celebrating our holiday and she was introduced to lion dances, firecrackers, incenses, and lots and lots of Chinese people.  We grew tired quickly due to the lack of sleep and to a mild hangover.  This is the first time I brought anyone to celebrate the Lunar New Year with my family, and I'm glad you enjoyed it. 

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