Sunday, July 19, 2009

Bridge over troubled water.

I have decided to let go of the pride and dignity that has caused me to stay firm with my beliefs. Even though it may be a small amount and dormant, it is enough to cast a wall between me and these people.

I was at Glenn's birthday gathering today, thrown by his lovely family. Watching his family having such a beautiful chemistry of love and laughter caught my attention. I envied them. I envied at how much the family cared for Glenn. Even though Glenn didn't show much enthusiasm when he was put on the spotlight for the cake and speech, I could tell he was happy.

Mr. Kim apparently has a very high view of me as a musician, and I was very flattered by his remarks, even if it was in Korean.

I really want that feeling. I still can't seem to let myself talk to my brothers..not yet. Not for what they did. But if I want to feel what Glenn was feeling today, I would have to drop down my pride and dignity. I would have to ignore it all and just be their little brother again.

I will lay me down. Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay me down.

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