Sunday, July 12, 2009

See you back at the hotel.

On the second day of our trip of New York, we joined a tour for Washington D.C for two days and one night. I personally don't like tours, but my mother prefers it every time, so I just tag along. D.C. is a much greener city than of New York, but far less crowded. The capital was nothing but huge historic monuments and memorials one after another, making any tourist camera-happy, including myself.

The night was probably the most interesting of all, and it didn't involve any sightseeing and tourism. Courtney and I were planning to meet up that night, but it wasn't until the day of I found out that the hotel was located 20 miles outside of D.C. So we thought of this brilliant plan to meet up via metro. So I told my mom and the rest of the tour to go on without me, and that I would go to the hotel via taxi. From that point on, I was on my own, somewhere in Maryland and Virginia. I asked a few locals where the nearest metro station was, and they gladly pointed me the way. It was quite a walk, but I eventually found the station after 40 minutes or so. I quickly bought my metro card, waiting for the next train. The train did not come, only to find out 5 minutes later that there was some incident that happened in the trains, causing a 30 minute delay. Both Courtney and I were stuck on both ends waiting for a train.

Time was limited, and we were determined to see each other, even if it was for 15 minutes. And it was a good 15 minutes in the end. Courtney ended up catching the first train available and she came to my station. We took what we had and made the best out of it. Only to find out that it was 11.10PM and the train station closes at 11.30PM, Courtney had to leave and catch the last train before it closes. We caught sight of a taxi and we parted ways from there. This meeting was the most difficult, but yet exhilarating one. I enjoyed it. I had good talks with the people a long the way, from the metro station to the cab driver named Kas, it was a good experience.

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