Friday, July 24, 2009

I am on your side.

I want you to think back in time with me. Think of the times when you had "everything," or as you call it now. Were those times as good as you make it sound? The past is often dramatized, and the memories are often fantasized. The people we think of often become much more beautiful than who they were. This is how our mind works, this is human nature. But as humans, we also have the ability to distinctly tell one from the other. Reminiscing on the loved ones is good, and it is somewhat healthy. But if you do it in a way which involves blaming one another, then it becomes unhealthy.

When you had her in your arms, you weren't the happiest man alive. You'd often considered yourself better off with others and seeing problems facing the end of the relationship. You made the initial move to end it, and you understood why. Instead of quickly occupying your mind with other possibilities after the break-up, you ended up pondering useless and harmful thoughts. Your mind created these thoughts in your head, branching it off from your memories. It changed the old reality into something more comfortable to think back on. This in turn made you think that you had it all, that you had everything right. It is a common mistake for many break-ups, but it sadly happens. You'd have to learned to control your memories if you would want to move on. You need to be able to tell what was real and what wasn't.

You might not agree with me, you might think that I would not understand exactly how you feel. And you are absolutely right, I do not. But I do know what sadness feels, and how to control that sadness. I did not let the depression overcome my life and I didn't neglect everything else in the world because of it. I hope you do read this and I hope you get what I am trying to say. Keep calm and carry on buddy.

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